DC Circuit. And there types.

  Definition :  Direct current.                 The current that always flow in one direction is called direct current. The current supplied by A cell , battery or generator. D.C. Circuit . The closed path followed by direct current is called a d.c. circuit. A d.c. circuit essentially consist of a source of direct voltage (e.g battery), the conductors used to carry current and the load.  Shows a figure. A bulb connected to a battery through conducting wires. The direct current Starts from positive terminal of the battery 🔋🔋🔋 And comes back to the starting point via the load. Types of DC circuit 1 Resistors in Series 2 Resistors in Parallel 3 DC Series Parallel Circuit 1. Resistor in series  A number of resistors are said to be connected in series if the same current flows through each resistor and there is only one path for the current flow through out .consider three resistors of resistance R1, R2 and R3 connected in series...


 What is Network Theorems ? 

1. Network  : 

                   Any arrangement of electrical energy sources, resistance and other circuit elements is called an electric network.

 The terms circuit and network are used synonymously in Electrical literature.

2. Network Terminology :


Active Element :

                             An active element is one which supplies electrical energy to the circuit.

E1 and E2 is active element.

Passive elements  :

                                   A passive element is one which receives electrical energy .

R1, R2 And R3 is passive element.

Node  :

            A node of a network is an equipotential surface at which two or more circuit elements are joined.

Thus is R1 and E1 are joined at A .

A is node. And B,C and D are node.

Junction  :

                   Junction is three or more circuit elements are joined.

There are only two junction point.

B and D.

Branch  :

                 A branch is that part of a network which lies between two junction points.

Branch BAD consist of R1 and E1.

Loop  :

             A loop is any closed path of network.

Thus is ABDA, BCDB and ABCDA are the loops.

Mesh.  : 

             A mesh is the most elementary form of a loop and cannot be further divided into other loops.

3. Source conversions : 

                           A real voltage source can be converted to an equivalent real current source and vice versa.


1 Superposition Theorems

        In a linear, bilateral d.c. network containing more  than one energy source, the resultant potential difference across or current through any element is equal to the algebraic sum of potential difference or current for that element produced by each source acting alone with all other independent Ideal source replaced by short circuit and all other independent Ideal current source replaced by open circuit.

2. Thevenins Theorems


          Any linear, bilateral network having terminal A and B can be replaced by a single source of E.M.F. Eth in series with a single resistance thevenins.

3. Nortons Theorems

   Any linear, bilateral network having two terminal A and B can be replaced by a current source of Norton current output  in parallel with a Norton Resistance.

Maxwell Mesh Method :

       In this method, Kirchhoff's voltage law is applied to a network to write mesh equations in terms of mesh current instead of branch current.

Objective Questions

1.  An active element in a circuit is one             which........

 A.     Supplies energy.

2.   What is passive element ?

A.    Receives energy.

3.    Mash current analysis is based on.

A.      Kirchhoff's voltage law 

4.    Nodal analysis is based on.

A.   Kirchhoff's current law 

5.   The maximum power transfer is used in

A.    Electronic circuit.


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